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Amon R.

Cape Town, South Africa

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Lär dig Self nourish and gut health awareness, blood sugar remedies. av Amon
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Jag kan lära dig: Self nourish and gut health awareness, blood sugar remedies.

A list of steps to take in order to move forward and make the best of your skin and body and mindset. Glow from the inside out. I teach home remedies for your skin your hair and your blood sugar in order to control aging of the body and the mind. Using organic fresh juices and salads along side healthy proteins including eggs and cheese and even ethical meats you can balance your body and get rid of anxiety that comes with diets and the over load of the information out on internet. I teach from experience after trying everything and following a numerous amount of health coaches. Nothing worked until I listened to my own body. Learn to listen and nurture your own body. Feel comfortable in your body where you are at now. moving forward with grace and inspiration.
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Relevanta nyckelord : Hälsosam kost, Mat & näringsämnen, Hälsocoaching

SEK 25034 Pris/timme

ed-lesson Språk : Engelska

Nivå : Grundläggande, Medelnivå, Professionell

Plats : Online

Lär dig Self love through food and beauty care av Amon


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Self love through food and beauty care

This talk will be about making small changes in your life and steps to take your mind, body and attitude to the next stage of your journey. Simple natural ingredients and combinations can make a huge difference in your skin and the way you feel in your body. Being authentic with yourself and digging deep into this beautiful self care ritual allows you do the work you did not even know you needed to do. From my experience after the death of my husband. Food and health care was my way of nurturing myself. 3 years in and I give thanks everyday for the sunshine, tasty food that makes my heart and body glow. Good rest and a fresh new beginning. I am not a huge fitness fanatic. 80% of what you look like comes from food and 20% from excersise. If you want to start small and succeed then join me on an informal discussion regarding rising to the occasion of your life. ✨ No matter where you are at right now. Blessings 🙏.
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Relevanta nyckelord : Mental hälsa

SEK 30041

ed-event Språk : Engelska

Nivå : Grundläggande, Medelnivå, Professionell

Plats : Online