Andra ed-lessons

Jag kan lära dig: Angel card therapy
I explain what angel therapy is, I guide you and teach you different ways on how read the cards. Basically everything you will need to know, and of course as the session goes I answer your questions to help you understand

Lär dig Crystal Healing & Sound therapy. av Natasha
Natasha N.
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Jag kan lära dig: Crystal Healing & Sound therapy.
The whole idea of this course is to teach you about how your energy points or Chakra points absorbs different energy and keeps you out of sync, then Chrystals are introduced to help you change your energy, mind and body from ne

Lär dig Acoustic and Electric Guitar av Will
Will D.
Jag kan lära dig: Acoustic and Electric Guitar
I offer my skills as a guitar tutor to all ages, at any experience level. The first lessons will be going over basic chords, techniques, and skills and beginning to learn any songs you would like to learn!

Lär dig Mathematics av Luanda
Luanda G.
Jag kan lära dig: Mathematics
Accompaniment in steps and procedures for a better understanding of Mathematics. Use of several methodologies for unleashing the critical thinking of the learner. Provide learner with all hints and importance of Mat

Lär dig Biology and Microbiology  av Maryam
Maryam G.
Jag kan lära dig: Biology and Microbiology
To introduce students to the vast diversity of microorganisms and their importance in various ecosystems. To demonstrate the significance of microbial diversity in human health, industry, and the environment. To eng

Lär dig Math (algebra, trig, precalc, calc) (all levels up to/including college calculus) av Rachel
Rachel B.
Jag kan lära dig: Math (algebra, trig, precalc, calc) (all levels up to/including college calculus)
If you have any content/concepts that you're struggling with, I can answer your questions and help explain what you're not understanding! I teach algebra, geometry, trigonometry, precalculus, and calculus at college, high schoo

Andra Medlemmar

Hitta lärare, learners och likasinnade.

Lär dig Chemistry (all levels up to/including college organic chemistry and biochemistry) av Rachel
Rachel B.
Jag kan lära dig: Chemistry (all levels up to/including college organic chemistry and biochemistry)
If you have any content/concepts that you're struggling with, I can answer your questions and help explain what you're not understanding! I teach all levels of chemistry (college, high school, and middle school), including coll

Lär dig Biology (all levels including college) av Rachel
Rachel B.
Jag kan lära dig: Biology (all levels including college)
If you have any content/concepts that you're struggling with, I can answer your questions and help explain what you're not understanding! I teach all levels of biology (college, high school, and middle school), including colleg

Lär dig Roller skating  av Nádia
Nádia S.
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Jag kan lära dig: Roller skating
My lessons are known for being delivered with a very kind flair, within a very welcoming and peaceful environment, and in a very respectful manner. I genuinely love to skate, it is my preferred way to express myself deeply and

Lär dig Hur du når fler kunder och bygger ditt varumärke i alla plattformar.  av Jenny
Jenny L.
Jag kan lära dig: Hur du når fler kunder och bygger ditt varumärke i alla plattformar.
Lär dig nå fler kunder genom att analysera din marknadsföring idag! Vad är det som saknas för att nå fler kunder? Är det sociala medier? Är det webbplatsen? Sociala nätverk? Hur Fungerar annonsering och planering

Lär dig ESG and Corporate Sustainability av Elaine
Elaine M.
Jag kan lära dig: ESG and Corporate Sustainability
-Introduction to ESG -What is ESG for companies: Learn How each individual, organization and system can start to analyze its behaviors and change towards more sustainable practices and models. -Intro to carbon acco

Lär dig Hur man hanterar beteenden. Inställningar till livet.  av Chris
Chris T.
Jag kan lära dig: Hur man hanterar beteenden. Inställningar till livet.
Eget beteende Andras beteende Tanken är att gå igenom roten. Roten är alltid problemet, oavsett om det handlar om beteenden eller psykisk ohälsa eller ångest eller handlingsförlamning. Har stött på många me


Hitta ett ämne genom att bläddra bland toppkategorier

Jag kan lära dig: Holistisk hållbar hälsa
Denna kurs lär ut unika verktyg som självmassage, akupressur, naturens medicin, kroppskännedom, rörelse, avslappning, andningstekniker, mindfulness, förändra tankemönster och bli djupt medveten om både kropp och själ, så att v

Jag kan lära dig: Mathematics
The ed-lesson will help students in need with their problems. I will be teaching math and other civil engineering subjects depending on the needs of students. I'm really good at math and I have a broad knowledge about it.

Lär dig Maths and english  av Talia
Talia B.
På plats
Jag kan lära dig: Maths and english
I am an experienced tutor who has 8 years experience . All my pupils have made amazing progress working with me . I am a full time tutor . lessons are always engaging and stimulating therefore the children find th

Lär dig Body systems av Carrie
Carrie O.
Jag kan lära dig: Body systems
I help you to learn and retain information pertaining to body systems. I use fun and entertaining explanatory techniques to ensure the concepts are cemented in your brains longer-term! Oftentimes, students struggle to des

