ed-event beställningar

  • All new orders from learners can be found in your Dashboard > ed-events. You'll also receive email notifications for each new order. Keep in mind that other mentors can also book your ed-lessons or ed-events for learning purposes.
  • Within the 'Dashboard > ed-event' section, you'll find three tabs: Orders, Delivered, Completed. These tabs help you manage your orders based on their status. To view the details of each order, simply click on 'View details.' It contains all the details about the order. If you click on Attendees you will see the list of all users who have paid to participate in your ed-event.

Here are the different order statuses and what they mean:

  • Orders: Newly paid orders for your ed-event are shown under this tab. If you click on view details you will see the status “Paid - Awaiting Delivery” which indicates the fact that the order has been paid by the learner and it is waiting to be delivered.
  • Delivered: When the ed-event is finished it will be moved to this tab. If you click on ‘view details’ you will see the status “Delivered - Awaiting Approval”. Learners will have 48 hours to send complaints in this stage and the order will remain under this tab during the time.
  • Completed: After 48 hours the ed-event will be moved to this tab and the status will change to ‘Completed’. If an order has complaints the status in View details will be “Completed - with complaint”. Only you as the mentor can see the number of complaints. The fund for orders with complains will remain under Pending section in your Dashboard > Earnings while the review is ongoing by edsurfing support team. You will receive a report via email after the review is completed.

Below is an example of a new order located under the first tab in the dashboard: